A tech-upskill community for active, collaborative learners.|

How is Tech Collective different to a bootcamp?

Tech Collective promotes active, collaborative learning.

We think the traditional bootcamp model of crammed, passive and self-centred education is broken.

Tech Collective is a tech-upskill community for active, collaborative learners.

It's not a bootcamp - it's a third option to self-study and bootcamps.

We start with our Values, and go from there.

In the comparison table below, some specific bootcamps have variations, e.g. Founders and Coders uses a non-traditional model.

You should do your own research into particular bootcamps that you are considering.

Question Tech Collective Bootcamp
What educational expertise is there?

Tech Collective is built on two pillars of educational research:

Spaced repetition: learning is demonstrably more effective if it is spread out over a larger time period; and

Cognitive load: thinking and learning is less effective if we are overloaded with information.

Traditional bootcamps are oriented entirely against both the spaced repetition and cognitive load theory of educational research: in a bootcamp, you are overwhelmed with dense information in a very short period of time, and expected to digest it all.

(If you are interested in understanding why they might do this even if it's less effective, read our article: 3 ways in which the traditional bootcamp model is broken)

Who keeps the revenue?

50% of Tech Collective membership revenues are shared amongst the community of members.

We think this a fairer distribution of revenues, since you and your peers provide the bulk of the value to each other.

Bootcamp keeps all the tuition fees, regardless of instructor skill, resource quality or student experience.

(So, if you are considering a bootcamp, make sure to carefully research the instructors at a particular campus, as some cities might be better than others.)

Can I be finished in three months?

No. We're optimising to reduce career-change risk, and that means taking it part-time and more slowly, to ensure solid foundations.

Yes. Some bootcamps are as short as eight weeks.

Will I learn to code in the way that real developers do?

Yes, through practical projects, talking to peers, and... Googling error messages, just like real developers.

(You might be taught the occasional thing, but this will be the exception.)

No. You'll have frequent lectures and classes.

(It must be that bootcamps are using fees to pay for instructors to do that - because why else would they need so much of your money?)

Can I maintain an income whilst learning?

Yes, it's a part-time commitment

No, you have to study full-time

Do I have to pay anything upfront?

Yes, but a £150 background check fee which our financing partner charges us, on which we make no profit. (We will share this invoice with you for maximum transparency.)

Yes - deposit or full fees

Can I pay upfront if I prefer?

No, because we think that this skews organisational incentives badly.

By stopping people from paying upfront, we stop people buying their way in regardless of fit.


Who will my peers be?

You'll meet your prospective peers before you have to commit, in the application process.

Knowing them is an important part of making an informed decision.

Whomever they choose to admit. Hopefully this bootcamp is one which has rigorous and ethical admissions policies!

Can I see what materials we'll be using before I commit?

Yes. Part of the application process will involve looking at, and researching, the open-source materials we'll be using, so that you can make an informed decision.

Probably not. It's certainly possible that this bootcamp has developed better resources than the open-source materials maintained by thousands of people passionate about developer education - but you'll have to take that on trust.


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